O1 - Awarenes raising
D1.1 Work-based leearning delivery team guidelines
- BET in a nut-shell. A venue that is combining theory with practice in new ways. The work-based learning applies learning outcome descriptions: What knowledge and which skills are wanted? Knowing what students already know, or don’t know?
- What can BET do for you? At your workplace.
- Product oriented learning. Methodology without application of RPL within training of inspectors.
- Produktorientert opplæring. Information to companies (Norwegian version)
- Produktorientert opplæring. Information to students (Norrwegian version)
- Inspection oriented learning. Methodology with application of RPL within training of inspectors.
- Inspection oriented learning (Hungarian version)
Awareness raising:
- Awareness raising to VET providers and fabrication industry. University West demonstration of results. (pdf-format)
- Report on the industrial interviews in Hungary. MHtE demonstration of results (docx-format)
- Awareness raising to VET providers and fabrication industry. MHtE demonstration of results (PPT-format)
- KURSERBJUDANDE. Svetsteknologi - Provning och kvalitetssäkring vid svetsning. University West invitation to training course (SE).
D1.2 VET practitioner (VET supply, teacher and instructor) development guidelines
- BET evaluation questionnaries. Addressing past and future needs.
- Establishing models for partnerships between VET providers and industrial companies. Assist the VET providers to pilot new business interventions (products, processes and services) within industrial companies in a region.
- Establishing partnerships. Describing an example from Mid-Norway and how they connect future job applicants with potential employers.
- Toolbox for SME innovation. Understanding innovation needs and how to identify essential input factors!
O2 - Framework of LOs
D2.1 Learning Outcomes (LOs) protocols
- EN1090 Inspector Course: Learning Outcomes (LOs) Protocols guideline . This guideline describes how to structure, organize and start using course frameworks consisting of learning goals (content, general learning outcomes, specific learning outcomes and general competences), effective usage of digital libraries, proposed training methods and implementation of work-based training activities.
- Welding Technology: Testing and Quality Assurance for Welding (University West)
D2.2 Framework of shared LOs
- EN1090 Inspector Course: Framework of shared Learning Outcomes (LOs) guideline . This guideline describes the course EN 1090 learning goals, consisting off general content, general learning outcomes, specific learning outcomes and general competences at the course level and at the Competence Units (CUs) levels.
- University West: A course on Welding Technology, Testing and Quality Assurance for Welding has been developed, organized and delivered as 5 Competence Units. The contents of the course, general learning outcomes, specific learning outcomes and competence goals for the course have been developed in relation to each one of the 5 competence units.
O3 - Work-based learning
D3.1 Work-based learning delivery team guidelines for application of recognition of prior learning (RPL) in classes
- Recognition of Prior Learning in VET . In order to make the teaching process more effective, the teacher can apply online tools and services that help recognizing students` prior knowledge and skills. With the help of quick surveys and evaluations, the teacher will better adapt the teaching to the students’ needs. At the same time, the students will benefit more from the teaching practices.
- EN1090 Inspector Course: Instructor Course Syllabus with Work-Based Learning . This syllabus describes and provides an overview of the work-based learning cycles and breaks them down into five work-based instruction phases or domains: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate (FivE). These FivE pedagogical model domains are key elements of a complete model for industry engaged delivery of work-based learning within Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs, to be provided to mechanical fabrication industry in Europe.
- University West: Validation of work experience for eligibillity check (docx, 24.11.21)
- University West: Welding Technology – Testing and Quality Assurance- Syllabus with Work-Based Learning
D3.2 VET practitioner development for application of RPL
- Application of Competence Units in VET. The development of common competence frameworks in vocational education and training (VET) will ease the recognition of qualification equivalencies, assisted by ECVET and shared delivery by VET specialists and industry experts. This is leading to a unitized, modernized delivery system based up on Competence Units (CUs) to be shared nationally and transnationally.
- EN1090 Inspector Course: A VET practitioner development guideline. Before the course and before the units, students can answer a quick evaluation survey that investigates the topics they are going to go through during the upcoming training process. The teachers` can use this feedback to focus their teaching towards the problematic areas.
O4 - Learning resources
D4.1 - Question bank for Steel Structure Inspector Course for EN1090
D4.2-3 - The Steel Structure Inspector Course for EN 1090, consisting of 10 Competence Units, with existing- and new learning materials
- CU 1 - Introduction, ICT
- CU 2 - Evaluating an inquiry
- CU 3 - Design Review
- CU 4 - Documentation and production plan
- CU 5 - Welding and cutting inspection, with IzV booklet in a separate document
- CU6 - Testing, DT/NDT and loading
- CU 7 - Mechanical fastening and erection of the structure
- CU 8 - Surface protection
- CU 9 - Dimensional control and delivery documentation
- CU 10 - Course summary, examination
D4.3 - Guideline for developing e-learning resources in the course EN1090
This guideline is based up on:
- The Guideline Containing the Protocols for how to structure, organize and start applying a unitized delivery containing modules and a standardized framework where - teachers may change - but without changing the activities, materials, units, tools, platforms, work-based training solutions and methods, etc. These protocols are scalable.
- The Guideline Containing the EN1090 Instructor Course Framework containing descriptions of shared learning outcomes at the Course level and in the same way at the Competence Unit (CU) levels.
- The Guideline Containing the EN 1090 Instructor Course Syllabus applying effective usage of worked-based learning practices.
- The Guideline for the EN 1090 Instructor Course VET Practitioners, describing the proposed training methodologies.
At the final stage these frameworks, including the principles above, were materialize in a systematic and standardized way into a first, flexible European EN1090 Inspector Course.
O5 - Piloting
D5.1 - Course no. 1: The Welding Technology- Testing and Quality Assurance course is structured in 5 Competence Units (CUs). This course provides an overview of testing and quality assurance for welding and knowledge of fundamental theoretical concepts in materials science and welding processes. In the course, it is analyzed how different welding processes, work routines, and choices of materials can affect the quality of welded products. This is combined with discussions on materials characterization and testing methods. There is a continuous reflection on how these methods for inspection and quality control of welded products can be applied in practice. Four out of the five competence units are designed to be developed over distance via a learning management platform that includes reading material, pre-recorded video material and on-line sessions (Zoom) with the students weekly for scheduled seminars and discussions. The students’ digital skills, therefore, are developed and enhanced by applying these tools.
- CU 1: Materials and Processes
- CU 2: Quality control before welding
- CU 3: Welding in practice
- CU 4: Quality control after welding
- CU 5: Laboratory visit and examination
- Welding Technology, Testing and Quality Assurance in Welding, University West, Sweden
- Pilot course: Quality Assurance for the “Welding Technology: Testing and Quality Assurance” course
D5.1 - Course no 2: The first European EN1090 Inspector Course
- EN 1090 Inspector Course (Leaflet NO), EN 1090 Inspector Course (Leaflet EN)
- This course has been developed towards industry needs in Slovenia and Hungary. The current versions of the leaflet are written in Norwegian and English.
- EN 1090 Inspector Course - Resultater (Leaflet, NO), EN 1090 Inspector Course - Results (Leaflet, EN)
- This leaflet contains the main results obtained during the pilot courses.
- EN 1090 Inspector Course - Effekt (Leaflet, NO), EN 1090 Inspector Course - Effect (Leaflet, EN)
- This leaflet describes the experiences and the effect of the training from the perspectives of the teachers and the students.
- EN 1090 Inspector Course - Veien videre (Leaflet, NO), EN 1090 Inspector Course - Next Steps (Leaflet, EN)
- This leaflet describes the forthcoming next development stages of the EN 1090 inspector training course
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