M4.0 within SMEs
Mechatronics 4.0 within SMEs automated manufacturing processes targets several important components of collaborative learning processes that includes:
a) Specification of a production problem to challenge learners, delivered in the form of an “inspection order” or data set from the previous production stage, to be completed to a deadline by the SME company.
b) Division of the M4.0 SME manufacturing process into subcomponents, where the risks associated with the M4.0 production steps are defined, applying episodes of theoretical learning immediately followed by application into practice.
c) Identification of the risks are used to define the inspection elements and sequences. This will stimulate and support discussion between learners and their inpsector operative tutors in order to obtain an optimalized manufacturing process.
d) Quality assurance of the subcomponents with feedback into the SMEs companys ICT systems for process documentation, to ensure the specification in the order has been followed and documented according to requirements.
e) Verification by experienced (SME) manufacturing personel of whether the quality of the process, product, service or outcome is according to specifications in the order, before releasing the product to the next production process stage.
f) Delivery of the product to the next production stage for further processing. The data set belonging to the product has been uploaded into the manufacturing system together with relevant documentation.
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